Funding a mobile bartending company despite high rates
Radix Financial
January 1, 2025
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Nobody wanted to help a Florida based mobile bartending company obtain affordable rates-despite his amazing, growing business. This business had two high-rate loans, taxes owed, and a negative global debt service ratio. The broker who funded the 2 MCAS contacted Radix and asked if we could help refinance the payments- of course, Radix was able to help.
Anatomy of a loan:
$590,427 Revenue in previous year
$149,449 Profit in previous year
$57,772 Taxes owed in a payment plan
2 Merchant Cash Advances Totaling Over $300,000
690 credit score
Radix’s Solution
Radix has a ton of tools to help small businesses. While traditional banks see a lost cause, Radix sees great opportunity. We saw a strong, growing business with year-to-date numbers far eclipsing the previous year’s revenue and profit. We were able to refinance all of the debt and even add almost $200,000 of working capital on top of the refinance. Before our loan, this borrower was paying $9,423 per month. After, he was paying $6746 per month.