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When a restaurant owner tried to consolidate $180,000 of high interest debt into a single note and borrow additional working capital, she could not find any banks willing to help. There were good reasons for her trouble: Her business grossed only $700,000 per year, her credit score was at the SBA minimum, and she had no real estate to offer as collateral.


  • Limited revenue stream
  • No collateral
  • Mediocre credit


Although traditional banks were of no help, this loan was tailor-made for Radix Financial Group.  We excel at refinancing non-collateralized, high interest loans into a single long-term note, and helped this owner find terms that her restaurant’s revenue stream could support. We were even able to extend her business over $100,000 more of working capital than she had originally requested! While most banks wouldn’t even consider a straight refinance with no collateral, Radix saw opportunity in a profitable business and stepped in to help.

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