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An independent dentist had some unfortunate health issues in 2022 and his business was showing extreme losses for the year. He needed working capital to reinvigorate his business through marketing and hiring, but his only funding offers were daily payments with high rates.


Borrower’s Issues

  • Poor 2022 Financials
  • No collateral

Radix’s Solution

With good credit and good revenue, Radix can fund businesses that are losing money with our SBA Express Loan. Thankfully, in this scenario, we were able to help this dentist get back on track. Radix funded $150,000 in two weeks and 90 days later, we funded another $150,000. The dentist was able to hire the best employees and start to build his client base back up, to thrive for years to come.



Funded: 2 SBA Express loans of $150,000

Monthly Payment: $4,304 for the 2 SBA Express loans combined

Interest Rate: 3.75% + prime (currently 12% total)

Funding Time: 2 weeks for each SBA Express and one week for the Line of Credit



Learn more about our SBA Express loan.

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